Ultimate Guide to Grow Organic Strawberries: Envy of the Neighborhood

Table of Contents Show
  1. Choosing the Right Strawberry Varieties
    1. Understanding Strawberry Types
    2. Top Varieties for Organic Growing
    3. Optimal Conditions
    4. Companion Planting
  2. Preparing the Soil for Organic Production
  3. Planting Organic Strawberry Plants
    1. Choosing the Right Time
    2. Plant Spacing
    3. Planting Steps
    4. Mulching
    5. Initial Care
  4. Organic Care and Maintenance Tips
    1. Watering
    2. Mulching
    3. Feeding
    4. Companion Planting
    5. Pest and Disease Management
  5. Harvesting and Enjoying Your Organic Strawberries
    1. Preserving Your Harvest
  6. Key Takeaways
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions about the Best Organic Fertilizer for Strawberries
    1. 1. What is the importance of using organic fertilizer for strawberries?
    2. 2. How can organic matter benefit strawberry plants when used as a fertilizer?
    3. 3. What are some recommended organic fertilizers for strawberry production?
    4. 4. Can organic growers use mulch as a natural fertilizer for strawberries?
    5. 5. How can organic strawberries be grown successfully without synthetic fertilizers?
    6. 6. When is the best time to apply organic fertilizer to strawberries for optimal fruit production?
    7. 7.  Are organic strawberries better for you?
    8. 8. How do organic and conventionally grown strawberries differ?
    9. 9. When is the best time to plant organic strawberries?
    10. 10. How are organic strawberries propagated?
    11. 11. When is the best time to pick organic strawberries?
    12. 12. What is the recommended way to handle strawberries after picking?
    13. 13. How should I store fresh strawberries to maintain their freshness?
    14. 14. Can I freeze strawberries, and how should I do it?
    15. 15. What are some ways to preserve excess strawberry harvest?

Growing organic strawberries that’ll make your neighbors green with envy isn’t just a dream—it’s entirely possible, and I’m here to guide you through it. Imagine stepping into your garden to pluck the juiciest, most flavorful strawberries you’ve ever tasted, all without a hint of chemicals. Sounds delightful, doesn’t it?

Choosing the Right Strawberry Varieties

When embarking on the journey to grow organic strawberries that’ll make your neighbors jealous, picking the right variety is crucial. Not all strawberries are created equal, and the choice depends largely on your climate, taste preference, and harvesting desire. Let’s dive into what makes each variety special and how to select the best one for your garden.

Understanding Strawberry Types

There are primarily three types of strawberry plants:

  • June-bearing: These plants produce a large, concentrated harvest in late spring or early summer. Ideal for those looking to harvest all at once and perhaps make preserves.
  • Ever-bearing: These varieties produce two to three harvests throughout the growing season. Perfect for continuous fresh berries.
  • Day-neutral: Similar to ever-bearing but will produce fruit consistently throughout the growing season, weather permitting.

Top Varieties for Organic Growing

Choosing organic strawberries starts with selecting disease-resistant varieties that thrive in organic conditions. Here are some top picks:

  • Seascape: Day-neutral with excellent flavor and large fruit, performs well in various climates.
  • Chandler: Popular among organic gardeners for its juiciness and large berries. It’s a June-bearer, perfect for those big, early-summer hauls.
  • Albion: Another day-neutral with resistance to many common diseases, known for its sweet and large berries.

Optimal Conditions

  • Soil: Strawberry plants love rich, well-drained soil. Incorporating organic matter or natural fertilizers can significantly boost their growth.
  • Sunlight: Ensure your plants get at least 8 hours of full sun daily.
  • Watering: Consistent moisture is key, especially during the fruiting period.

Companion Planting

Companion planting can significantly improve the health and yield of your strawberry crops. Here are a few great companions for strawberries:

  • Borage: Improves growth and flavor.
  • Thyme: Repels pests naturally.
  • Garlic: Boosts disease resistance.

In my experience, tailoring your garden to suit the strawberries’ needs, from selecting the right variety to optimizing growing conditions, lays the foundation for a bountiful and envy-inducing organic strawberry crop. Incorporating natural fertilizers and companion planting strategies only enhances the garden’s sustainability and productivity, bringing you one step closer to harvesting those dreamy, juicy strawberries.

Preparing the Soil for Organic Production

When I dive into the world of growing organic strawberries, one of my first steps is ensuring the soil is primed and ready. Organic strawberries thrive in well-prepared soil, and I’ve found that investing time in soil preparation can lead to an enviable harvest.

First off, the pH of the soil is crucial. Strawberries prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.8. I always test the soil before planting and, if necessary, adjust the pH. This might involve adding garden lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it. It’s a delicate balance, but getting it right sets the stage for a successful growing season.

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Here are some key elements to focus on:

  • Natural Fertilizers: To enrich the soil, I swear by natural fertilizers. A mix of well-rotted manure and compost works wonders, providing the nutrients these plants crave. I aim to add about 4 inches of compost to the top 8-10 inches of soil.
  • Soil Texture and Drainage: Strawberries need well-drained soil. I ensure the planting site does not collect standing water. If drainage is an issue, I consider raised beds or amend the soil with organic matter to improve its structure.
  • Companion Planting: Including companion plants in the soil not only boosts biodiversity but also helps deter pests and diseases. Borage, thyme, and garlic are excellent companions for strawberries. They act as natural protectors and enhancers for my strawberries’ growth.
Factor Ideal Condition
pH 5.5 – 6.8
Natural Fertilizers Well-rotted manure and compost
Soil Texture Well-drained; loose and rich in organic matter
Companion Planting Borage, thyme, garlic

By preparing the soil with these guidelines, I’ve laid a strong foundation for my organic strawberries. The combination of the right pH, enriched soil, and strategic companion planting ensures that my plants get the best possible start. Moreover, these natural and organic approaches align perfectly with my goal of sustainable gardening, promising a bounty of juicy, flavorsome strawberries that are sure to make my neighbors green with envy.

Planting Organic Strawberry Plants

After prepping the soil with natural fertilizers and ensuring it has the right pH, texture, and companions like borage and thyme, it’s time to plant the organic strawberry plants. This stage is crucial for getting those envy-worthy strawberries.

When selecting strawberry plants, always opt for certified organic plants to avoid introducing non-organic elements into your garden. I usually go for varieties known for their sweetness and disease resistance. Here’s a quick guide on planting:

Choosing the Right Time

The best time to plant strawberries is in the early spring or late fall. This timing allows the plants to establish themselves when the temperatures aren’t too extreme.

Plant Spacing

Proper spacing is key for healthy growth and berry production. Here’s a simple spacing guide:

Plant Type In-Row Spacing Between Rows
June-bearing 18 inches 4 feet
Everbearing 12 inches 2 feet
Day-neutral 12 inches 2 feet

Planting Steps

  1. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without bending or crowding them.
  2. Place the plant in the hole and spread the roots outward.
  3. Fill the hole with soil and press lightly around the base of the plant.
  4. Water generously immediately after planting to settle the soil.

Remember, the crown should be right at the soil surface, neither too deep nor too high. This ensures the plant gets the right balance of air and moisture.


Applying a layer of organic mulch around the plants can help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and add nutrients as it decomposes. Straw, pine needles, or shredded leaves are excellent choices.

Initial Care

In the first few weeks, keeping the soil moist (not waterlogged) is vital for the newly planted strawberries. Companion planting plays a role here too, as certain plants can help repel pests and attract beneficial insects.

By paying attention to these details, I’m setting the stage for robust organic strawberry plants that’ll not only thrive but also produce the juiciest, most flavorful berries that’ll surely make the neighbors green with envy.

Organic Care and Maintenance Tips

After planting your organic strawberries, it’s crucial to maintain them diligently to ensure they thrive. I’ve discovered that consistent care leads to a bountiful harvest that’s sure to make your neighbors green with envy. Here are some essential tips I follow for keeping my strawberry plants healthy and productive.


Organic strawberries require regular watering, especially during the first few weeks after planting and throughout the growing season. I aim for about 1 inch of water per week, either from rainfall or supplemental watering. It’s important to water deeply to encourage deep root development, but avoid wetting the foliage to reduce the risk of fungal diseases.


Mulching plays a pivotal role in maintaining moisture, suppressing weeds, and keeping the fruit clean. I use organic mulch materials such as straw or pine needles around my plants. This not only retains moisture but also adds organic matter to the soil as it decomposes.

See also  "Maximizing Plant Health with Organic Fertilizers"


To promote strong growth and fruit production, feeding your strawberry plants is essential. I apply natural fertilizers in the early spring as the plants begin to grow, and again after the first harvest. Here’s a quick guide on the types of natural fertilizers I’ve found effective:

  • Composted manure
  • Seaweed extract
  • Fish emulsion

Companion Planting

Companion planting is a cornerstone of my organic gardening practice. It helps in pest management and enhances the overall growth environment. For my strawberry beds, I’ve had great success planting:

  • Borage: Deters strawberry pests and improves growth.
  • Thyme: Repels worms and boosts the flavor of the strawberries.
  • Garlic: Acts as a natural fungicide and pest deterrent.

These companions not only help my strawberries but also add diversity and beauty to my garden.

Pest and Disease Management

Organic strawberries can be susceptible to pests and diseases, but I’ve found that proactive measures can greatly reduce these issues. Regularly inspecting the plants for signs of trouble and removing any diseased foliage immediately helps prevent the spread. Using natural remedies like neem oil for pest control and ensuring good air circulation around the plants are strategies I rely on.

Harvesting and Enjoying Your Organic Strawberries

As someone deeply invested in the success of my organic garden, the moment I get to harvest and savor the fruits of my labor is immensely gratifying. After months of careful tending, using natural fertilizers, and implementing companion planting techniques, the process of gathering organic strawberries is as rewarding as it is delicious.

My mornings during the harvest season start with a walk through the garden, basket in hand, ready to pick the ripest berries. Timing is crucial when it comes to harvesting strawberries. They should be plump, bright red, and fully ripe, as they don’t continue to ripen after being picked. I usually find that early morning is the best time for picking; the berries are cool, which helps maintain their firmness and flavor.

Here’s how I gauge perfect ripeness:

  • Color: The entire berry should be a vibrant red. Any hint of white or green near the stem means it needs more time.
  • Firmness: Ripe strawberries have a firm, yet slightly soft texture. If it’s mushy, it’s overripe.
  • Size: While size doesn’t necessarily determine readiness, larger strawberries often indicate they’ve had enough time to fully develop their flavor.

In my experience, organic strawberries benefit greatly from gentle handling. I pick them with the caps on to extend their shelf life and immediately place them in a cool area, away from direct sunlight. This practice helps preserve their freshness until I’m ready to enjoy them.

Preserving Your Harvest

Despite my best efforts, I sometimes end up with more strawberries than I can eat. When this happens, I turn to preservation methods to ensure none of my hard-earned harvest goes to waste. Here are my go-to strategies:

  • Freezing: Perfect for smoothies or winter desserts. I wash, dry, hull, and halve my strawberries before spreading them on a baking sheet to freeze individually. Once solid, I transfer them to airtight containers.
  • Jam Making: There’s nothing like homemade strawberry jam. I use a simple recipe with equal parts strawberries and sugar, with a bit of lemon juice for extra zing.
  • Breakfast: Added to cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt for a sweet start to the day.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose the Right Strawberry Variety: Selecting the correct variety of strawberries, such as June-bearing, ever-bearing, or day-neutral, based on your climate and preference, is essential for growing organic strawberries that outshine your neighbors’.
  • Prepare the Soil Excellently: Ensuring the soil has the right pH (5.5 to 6.8), is rich in organic matter, and uses natural fertilizers like composted manure will create the optimal growth environment for organic strawberries.
  • Implement Companion Planting: Including companion plants like borage, thyme, and garlic can boost strawberry growth, improve flavor, and naturally deter pests and diseases.
  • Regular Care and Maintenance: Consistent watering, mulching with organic materials, and utilizing natural fertilizers are crucial for the health and productivity of organic strawberry plants.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Proactively managing pests and diseases with natural remedies and maintaining good plant hygiene will keep your strawberry plants thriving organically.
  • Harvesting Wisdom: Harvesting strawberries at the right time, when they are fully ripe, and using gentle handling techniques will ensure the highest quality, most flavorful fruit for enjoying fresh or preserving.
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Growing organic strawberries is more than just a gardening activity; it’s a journey towards sustainability and culinary delight. By following the steps I’ve shared, you’ll not only enjoy the freshest, most flavorful strawberries but also take pride in the knowledge that your efforts contribute to a healthier planet. Remember, the key to success lies in the care and love you put into your garden. So, don’t hesitate to get your hands dirty, and soon, you’ll be the envy of the neighborhood with a bountiful harvest of organic strawberries that are as rewarding to grow as they are to eat. Happy gardening!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Best Organic Fertilizer for Strawberries

1. What is the importance of using organic fertilizer for strawberries?

Using organic fertilizer for strawberries is essential in promoting healthier growth and fruit production while minimizing harm to the environment. Organic fertilizers improve soil structure and encourage beneficial soil organisms which contribute to the overall health of the strawberry plant.

2. How can organic matter benefit strawberry plants when used as a fertilizer?

Organic matter such as compost or mulch enriches the soil with essential nutrients, improves moisture retention, and promotes microbial activity, all of which are beneficial for the growth and development of strawberries.

Popular organic fertilizers for strawberries include compost, fish emulsion, seaweed extract, and aged manure. These natural fertilizers provide a slow release of nutrients to support the plants throughout the growing season.

4. Can organic growers use mulch as a natural fertilizer for strawberries?

Absolutely! Mulch not only helps to suppress weeds and retain moisture but also breaks down over time, enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients that benefit strawberry plants when used as a natural fertilizer.

5. How can organic strawberries be grown successfully without synthetic fertilizers?

By incorporating sustainable practices such as using organic fertilizers, planting in nutrient-rich soil, and practicing natural pest control methods, organic growers can successfully produce organic strawberries without the need for synthetic chemicals.

6. When is the best time to apply organic fertilizer to strawberries for optimal fruit production?

It is best to apply organic fertilizer to strawberries in early spring or late spring before the fruit production

7.  Are organic strawberries better for you?

Yes, organic strawberries are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, making them a healthier choice for consumption. They are also free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

8. How do organic and conventionally grown strawberries differ?

Organic strawberries are cultivated in accordance with organic farming practices, utilizing natural methods such as mulching, composting, and the use of organic fertilizers. Conventionally grown strawberries may contain residues of synthetic chemicals used in their production.

9. When is the best time to plant organic strawberries?

Organic strawberries are usually planted in early spring to allow them to establish before the growing season. This helps them produce a bountiful harvest of delicious, organic fruits throughout the year.

10. How are organic strawberries propagated?

Organic growers can propagate strawberries through various

11. When is the best time to pick organic strawberries?

The optimal time to pick organic strawberries is in the early morning. This ensures they are at their peak flavor and firmest.

After picking, strawberries should be handled gently to avoid bruising. It is recommended to place them in a cool, shaded area immediately after harvesting.

13. How should I store fresh strawberries to maintain their freshness?

To maintain freshness, store strawberries in the refrigerator and avoid washing them until you’re ready to eat them to prevent mold growth.

14. Can I freeze strawberries, and how should I do it?

Yes, strawberries can be frozen. Wash and hull them, then spread them out on a baking sheet to freeze individually. Once frozen, transfer them to a freezer bag or container.

15. What are some ways to preserve excess strawberry harvest?

Excess strawberries can be preserved by freezing, making homemade jam, or incorporating them into various dishes such as smoothies, breakfast cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt.

🌱 Hello there! I'm Bonnie, your guide in the world of organic gardening. With a deep passion for helping home gardeners like you, I specialize in offering practical and understandable advice. Whether you're dealing with plant health issues, pest and disease identification, or just need some tailored guidance for your garden, I'm here to help. How can I assist you in your organic gardening journey today? 🌱